Friday 30 July 2010

Sun Block

Thailand is a hot weather country in the world. We can't escape the sunlight in everywhere, outside the building. Somebody thinks a day that have a lot of cloud in the sky, so they think the sunlight can't tauch their skin but it is not true. Sunlight can through a cloud, and it will tauch their skin. They don't know, and I already know. After I read some imformation about sun block, so sun block is very popular in a hot weather country like Thailand. Before you will use them, you should to know everythings about sun block.

1. "SPF" it is a short form of Sun Protection Factor. A number after SPF, tell you to know how many time you can tauch the sunlight and you are not hot on your skin.

2. "Water Proof" although they write water proof, but it can't proof 100%. If you want to proof in higher level, you should use it again after you have some sweat.

3. "UVA" and "UVB". If you see "UVA" is mean protect your skin like
freckles, and if you see "UVB" is mean the protection is soft for your skin.

I always use them, because I always play sport outdoor like tennis, football and swimming, so I use the SPF that match for my routine.

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