Saturday 31 July 2010

Lemon Benefits

This is a artical in the Daco magazine. I saw them in last week, and I think I should write in the blogger. Everybody should knows benefits of lemon, it can use in your house like kitchen and bathroom. It is a popular fruit, and we can see in every market.

Lemon is a fruit that has peel thick and yellow color, the price is higher than some fruits in the market. After we use them, we get a peel and this peel is ingredient of spray to cleaner something.

Method for made a spray.

1. Put a peel of lemon in the sunlight for get a dry peel.
2. Take a bottle and put a vinegar 500 mm., and put the peel that already dry in the bottle.
3. Shake them up. Then put on the sunlight 10-14 days.
4. Put into the spray bottle for spraying.

Lastly, we see the method and benefit of lemon. It is easy to made it one for your house. This formular help to anti-bacteria, and the ingredient is not make an injure for healthy. The fresh scent of Lemon peel also.

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