Saturday 17 July 2010

The Lucky Dog

News reported on 14 July 2010, said that "Samson" The dog based Leach, Springer Spaniel. Samson is 2 years, from Moussecellburke town in east Lotain, England. Samson's owner lets him to animal hospital, because Samson does not eat several days but Samson's body is swell. Samson's owner afraid Samson has something wrong in his stomach.

Cheryl Douglas, Samson's owner age 36 years told that, he shocks after the doctor told with him. Samson swallows many screes in the garden, Total weight of screes is about one kilogram.

The doctor found many screes in Samson's stomach on the X-RAY film. Normally, dogs or cats never swallow screes, but Samson intends. Doctor said, Samson is a luckly dog because his stomach is not tears, but If Samson came to saw the doctor late. Samson maybe died.

I think Samson is a lucky dog, because normally if a dog eats some
screes in the garden, they must be died but Samson is not. In the other ways, Samson is a trouble dog, because normally a dog never swallows many screes, and Samson do it. It is 2 ways that I think.

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