Saturday 17 July 2010

Benefit of Drinking

Drinking water can made a lot of benefits. It helps to reduce thirsty, make you wake up, and control blood pressure in the body.

David Robinson, he is researcher at Wandersbuilt University. He found a benefit of drinking from his patients who lose control blood pressure, and they can be to normal level of blood pressure last 10 years ago.

Water help to repair the working of Nerve "Simphatatic". Simphatatic control a body to fight or get away, and control to wake up everytime.Finally, Simphatic control blood pressure and energy.

American Red Cross found that, if blood donors drinking water about 480 cc. before donate blood. It helps to save to swoon than normally 20%.

I always drink a lot of water, because I always talk with my friends, and I have a lot of friends too. In the next way, I always play sport and I lost a lot of sweat. This is the reason why I know about benefits of drinking. My father told me that, if you never eat some food 2 days. You mat be can still, but if you never drink in 1 or 2 days. You will died.

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