Thursday 15 July 2010

The Secret of Japanese Food

If you needs to have a good healthly and gets firm body. The Japanese food is a good choise for you. Then, if you eats the Japanese food everyday. Benefits will fall on your body soon. This is because in most Japanese food consist vegetables and fish ,so the Japanese food is better choise for you because it is very low fat.

Nowadays, everybody knows the Japanese girl is the best for a long life and good healthly. Every year, she never gets any serious illness or gets in a hospital. Compared w ith women in other regions, Japanese girl have a low scale for a cancer and heart disease. Professional says that it is because a food.

Eating and style of Japanese life.

This is the Tokyo tips.

1. This is the main idea. First, Serving for a less with a small plate and full review only 80%.

2. Focus on fish, vegetables, rice, soybean and fruits.

3. Eating a high fiber.

4. Using a rapeseed oil, because it is low fat.

5. Change from old traditional tea to green tea.

6. Movement everytime for exercise such as walking cycling.

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