Friday 20 August 2010

Why student need Tutorial School?

This news is about an education in Thailand. This news is about tutorial school in Thailand. Many people have a question about tutorial school. They want to know why many students have to study at tutorial school in Saturday and Sunday. I think it has many reasons to support. First, teacher in some school doesn’t have enough experience or enough tactics to teach student. The student doesn’t have enough knowledge for competition with another student who has a good teacher. So, it is a reason why some student has to study at tutorial school in weekend.

Next, some student think study at tutorial school at weekend will get more knowledge than reading or practice a lesson at home. I think tutorial school sometime doesn’t important for every student. Student should have enough time at weekend for relax or practice a lesson at home. I think if student study at tutorial school in weekend, they were tried because sometimes they have homework, and student must have enough time for relax. I think we should pay attention in the classroom at school. In weekend, we should pay attention for relax, reading and practice a lesson at home.

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