Sunday, 8 August 2010

Spicy Food

If you love spicy food and you always eat them. You are lucky. The new research found that chili in a spicy food can reduce fat. Journal “Pro T Om Research” told, from the research the spicy in chili has a important benefit. Spicy in chili can change protein in the body. Then, the weight is lower, and they can reduce the calorie absorption in the body too. They have a theory that If you always eat a spicy food. The weight is lower 8%.

It is the interesting store. The story can give a lot of importations. I think it is a better choice for who need to diet. This way does not eat too less. You can eat normally, but you need to eat the spicy food. The spicy in chili will reduce fat. Then, you get a lower weight. Now, I know about benefit of chili. I will eat the spicy food for my healthy. I wish you are too.

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